- support@kumudvidyamandir.org
- +(91) 1234567890
Principals Desk
Head of School
Smt. Jai Jayant Joshi
Principal English Medium
“Learning gives creativity, creativity leads to thinking, thinking provides knowledge, and knowledge makes you great.” — Dr..A.P.J. Abdul Kalam.
Welcome !!
We’re thrilled to have you explore our school. Here, you’ll find answers to your questions about our programs, student life, and what makes us special.
As Principal, I’m proud to lead a community where every day is a chance to learn and grow—for students, teachers, and parents alike. Our approach blends Love and Logic: fostering trust and respect while helping students develop responsibility, confidence, and strong moral values.
We believe in the power of partnership between home and school. The stronger our connection, the better your child will thrive. While our website offers valuable insights, nothing beats a personal visit. We warmly invite you to come and experience our school firsthand.
Looking forward to working together to create a welcoming, engaging, and supportive environment for all.
Smt. Jai Jayant Joshi,
(M.Sc B.Ed, D.S.M, Y.T.T.C)
Start Your Career Today
Enroll for a new admission on or before December 2018.
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Vestibulum eleifend turpis a efficitur porttitor quisque euismod lacus.